OODraw exports to bitmap with spell-check underlines
Bug #485710 reported by
This bug affects 2 people
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
openoffice.org (Ubuntu) |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
Binary package hint: openoffice.org-draw
Exporting drawing with incorrectly spelled words to bitmap leads to the presence
of those spell-checker's red curvy underlines in the resulting image.
Package openoffice.org 3.1.1-5ubuntu1
Steps to reproduce:
1)Create a new drawing
2)Insert a text area
3)Write something with misspelled words
4)Switch the spell-check on
5)Export to PNG, Jpg, whatever bitmap format.
6)Open image in the viewer
Curvy red lines are present under the misspelled words
Expected result:
The clean text without curvy underlines.
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