'bzr annotate file.OTHER' during contents conflict gives traceback
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
Bazaar |
Fix Released
Robert Collins |
Bug Description
If I modify 'file' in branch_a and delete 'file' in branch_b, then go to branch_b and merge, it gives me 'file.BASE' and 'file.OTHER'. Then, if I run 'bzr annotate file.OTHER', it crashes with a stacktrace.
echo ==== system info ====
bzr version
echo ==== init ===
rm -rf test-area
mkdir test-area
cd test-area
mkdir a
cd a
bzr init
echo ==== first version of foo ===
echo 1 > foo
bzr add foo
bzr commit -m 'first version of foo'
echo ==== create branch b ===
cd ..
bzr branch a b
echo ==== modify foo in a ===
cd a
echo 2 >> foo
bzr commit -m 'second version of foo'
echo ==== remove foo in b ===
cd ../b
bzr rm foo
bzr commit -m 'removed foo'
echo ==== merge ====
bzr merge ../a
echo ==== annotating foo ====
bzr annotate foo
echo ==== annotating foo.OTHER ====
bzr annotate foo.OTHER
######## END SCRIPT TO REPRODUCE ########
######## BEGIN OUTPUT OF SCRIPT ########
==== system info ====
Bazaar (bzr) 1.5
Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python 2.5.2
Python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.5
bzrlib: /usr/lib/
Bazaar configuration: /home/sven/.bazaar
Bazaar log file: /home/sven/.bzr.log
Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Canonical Ltd.
bzr comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. bzr is free software, and
you may use, modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 or later.
==== init ===
==== first version of foo ===
added foo
Committing to: /home/sven/
added foo
Committed revision 1.
==== create branch b ===
Branched 1 revision(s).
==== modify foo in a ===
Committing to: /home/sven/
modified foo
Committed revision 2.
==== remove foo in b ===
deleted foo
Committing to: /home/sven/
deleted foo
Committed revision 2.
==== merge ====
+N foo.OTHER
Contents conflict in foo
1 conflicts encountered.
foo.BASE foo.OTHER
==== annotating foo ====
bzr: ERROR: foo is not versioned.
==== annotating foo.OTHER ====
bzr: ERROR: The file id "foo-2008070812
######## END OUTPUT OF SCRIPT ########
######## BEGIN ~/.bzr.log ########
0.231 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'UTF-8'
0.231 bzr arguments: [u'annotate', u'foo.OTHER']
0.231 looking for plugins in /home/sven/
0.393 looking for plugins in /usr/lib/
0.393 Plugin name __init__ already loaded
0.393 Plugin name bzrtools already loaded
0.393 Plugin name __init__ already loaded
0.547 opening working tree '/home/
0.601 Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/
return run_bzr(argv)
File "/usr/lib/
ret = run(*run_argv)
File "/usr/lib/
return self.run(
File "/usr/lib/
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/
file_version = tree.inventory[
File "/usr/lib/
raise errors.
NoSuchId: The file id "foo-2008070812
0.602 return code 3
######## END ~/.bzr.log ########
Thanks for the test script, I can reproduce easily, and it's half way
to a test case.
This will either be really easy to fix, or pretty tricky. Hopefully the