I start out with an nvme device with no partitions:
Then I try to create a cache set using it as the cache device:
maas root bcache-cache-sets create qywwt3 cache_device=46
Instead of turning the whole device into a cache device, it creates a partition table and a partition. Return from above command:
{'id': 8, 'name': 'cache0', 'cache_device': {'uuid': '5721745b-4853-4098-a260-f810efd29579', 'size': 400082075648, 'bootable': False, 'tags': [], 'type': 'partition', 'system_id': 'qywwt3', 'filesystem': {'fstype': 'bcache-cache', 'label': None, 'uuid': 'e5a07151-757d-4720-86ba-1ad00d647e6d', 'mount_point': None, 'mount_options': None}, 'device_id': 46, 'path': '/dev/disk/by-dname/nvme0n1-part1', 'id': 134, 'used_for': 'Cache device for cache0', 'resource_uri': '/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/qywwt3/blockdevices/46/partition/134'}, 'system_id': 'qywwt3', 'resource_uri': '/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/qywwt3/bcache-cache-set/8/'}
Expected behavior: turn the entire block device into a bcache cache device. This is how 2.6 and before behaved. If I had wanted a partition, I would have created it.
Here is the same thing on 2.6:
before creating: paste.ubuntu. com/p/7bCDdwwb4 p/
creating and result: cpe/foundation/ foundationcloud engine/ foundationcloud engine/ configurenodes. py(447) setup_bcaches( ) "backing_ device" ] version' : None, 'serial': 'CVMD552400AX40 0AGN', 'size': 400088457216, 'tags': ['ssd'], 'model': 'INTEL SSDPEDME400G4', 'available_size': 0, 'used_size': 400088457216, 'uuid': None, 'partition_ table_type' : None, 'id_path': '/dev/disk/ by-id/nvme- nvme.8086- 43564d443535323 430304158343030 41474e- 494e54454c20535 3445045444d4534 30304734- 00000001' , 'storage_pool': None, 'path': '/dev/disk/ by-dname/ nvme0n1' , 'partitions': [], 'type': 'physical', 'used_for': 'Cache device for cache0', 'block_size': 4096, 'system_id': 'r448pr', 'filesystem': {'fstype': 'bcache-cache', 'label': None, 'uuid': '344c0027- 069d-4473- 9957-93437754cf a3', 'mount_point': None, 'mount_options': None}, 'name': 'nvme0n1', 'id': 24, 'resource_uri': '/MAAS/ api/2.0/ nodes/r448pr/ blockdevices/ 24/'}, 'system_id': 'r448pr', 'name': 'cache0', 'id': 1, 'resource_uri': '/MAAS/ api/2.0/ nodes/r448pr/ bcache- cache-set/ 1/'}
2020-03-17-18:52:21 root DEBUG [localhost]: maas root bcache-cache-sets create r448pr cache_device=24
> /home/ubuntu/
-> backing_device = bcache[
(Pdb) cache_set
{'cache_device': {'firmware_
block-devices read shows the cache device is the entire disk and there are no partitions/ partition table. paste.ubuntu. com/p/ZH8h2sWTd g/