[xenial] ok 19.253s
[xenial] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[xenial] FAIL: bundle_test.go:79: BundleDeployCharmStoreSuite.TestAddMetricCredentials
[xenial] [LOG] 0:00.003 DEBUG reading v1.* agent binaries
[xenial] [LOG] 0:00.003 INFO juju.environs.testing uploading FAKE tools 2.4-beta1-precise-amd64
[xenial] /home/ubuntu/juju-core_2.4-beta1/src/
[xenial] return c.Check(funcNames, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
[xenial] ... obtained []string = []string{"Authorize", "DefaultPlan", "Authorize"}
[xenial] ... expected []string = []string{"DefaultPlan", "Authorize", "Authorize"}
[xenial] ... mismatch at [0]: unequal; obtained "Authorize"; expected "DefaultPlan"
[xenial] OOPS: 299 passed, 1 skipped, 1 FAILED
[xenial] --- FAIL: TestPackage (91.20s)
[xenial] FAIL
[xenial] FAIL 94.052s
[xenial] ok 1.047s
This happens because our testing infrastructure checks if all expected method calls were done in the predetermined order. The order of calls here is not always the same and, in fact, the order is not important to the test.
This is best fixed on both juju-testing side (to provide a check method that just checks the calls and ignores the call order) and juju side (to use new stub testing method in situations like above where the call order does not matter).
Part 1 - PR against juju/testing https:/ /github. com/juju/ testing/ pull/132