[Existing problem]
The OpenStackClient CLI (python-openstackclient project) has limited neutron support (network, security group, security group rules, floating IP address and fixed IP address CRUD).
Per OpenStack spec https://review.openstack.org/#/c/243348/, the OpenStackClient CLI should be the recommended CLI for OpenStack projects. Therefore, support provided by the existing neutron CLI should be moved from the python-neutronclient project to the python-openstackclient project.
A common CLI for OpenStack projects provides users and operators a consistent CLI experience when working with OpenStack cloud environments.
[What is the enhancement?]
This enhancement would result in the neutron CLI moving from the python-neutronclient project to the python-openstackclient project. In addition, users of the python-neutronclient extensibility support would need to transition to the python-openstackclient plugin system. The state of the python-neutronclient project serving as a Python library is TBD given that the python-openstacksdk would be used to implement the neutron CLI support in the python-openstackclient project. Eventually, use of the python-neutronclient project would be deprecated and possibly removed.
I've recorded additional details in the following etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/transition_neutronclient_to_openstackclient
[Related information]
- OpenStack spec: Deprecate individual CLIs in favour of OSC ( https://review.openstack.org/#/c/243348/ )
- python-openstackclient spec: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+spec/neutron-client
- Related etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/transition_neutronclient_to_openstackclient
We have talked about this for a few cycles now so I acknowledge it is on the wishlist. It is a big undertaking and has so far lacked human resources. There is not much new for the drivers team to discuss about this. If the will and the resources present themselves then some discussions can be opened.