I have started to test elementary OS freya as a blind user. The installation was done by myself, but was a bit hard do to some problems with the installer and orca (this'll be on another bug report perhaps)
When i boot to my system, i pressed super+space and typed orca and pressed enter. i heared "Screen reader on" so i had orca running.
I tried pressing hotkeys to see if i can interact with the desktop, but orca remained silent. (perhaps another bug for this one as well?)
so i pressed super+space again, and slingshot was totally accessible. I tried some applications such as calculator and terminal, and they were usable.
I tried to open files and work with it. Unfortunetly orca cannot seem to read items while i navigate on to them with my arrow keys. when i pressed tab once, i heard the "back button" while my keyboard was focused on it.
I pressed tab once again, and i've heard the address which i was in, which said (/home/hadi/)
so i shift tabbed twice and got back to the main directory/file list, and use my arrow keys again but orca didn't speak anything.
I randomly pressed enter and it entered another directory, so this indicates that my keyboard focus was working, but orca actually couldn't read the elements.
I can confirm this as well.