Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes install iptables-persistent=0.5.3ubuntu2' returned 100

Bug #1340237 reported by Anastasia Palkina
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fuel for OpenStack
Stanislaw Bogatkin
Fuel Library (Deprecated)

Bug Description

"build_id": "2014-07-10_00-39-56",
"mirantis": "yes",
"build_number": "112",
"ostf_sha": "09b6bccf7d476771ac859bb3c76c9ebec9da9e1f",
"nailgun_sha": "f5ff82558f99bb6ca7d5e1617eddddf7142fe857",
"production": "docker",
"api": "1.0",
"fuelmain_sha": "293015843304222ead899270449495af91b06aed",
"astute_sha": "5df009e8eab611750309a4c5b5c9b0f7b9d85806",
"release": "5.0.1",
"fuellib_sha": "364dee37435cbdc85d6b814a61f57800b83bf22d"

1. Create new environment (Ubuntu, simple mode)
2. Choose GRE segmentation
3. Add controller, compute, cinder
4. Change disks configuration for all nodes (see screens)
5. Start deployment. It wa successful
6. But there is error on cinder node (node-23):

2014-07-10 14:00:59 ERR

 Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes install iptables-persistent=0.5.3ubuntu2' returned 100: Reading package lists...

Revision history for this message
Anastasia Palkina (apalkina) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Anastasia Palkina (apalkina) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Anastasia Palkina (apalkina) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Anastasia Palkina (apalkina) wrote :
Changed in fuel:
importance: Critical → High
Revision history for this message
Vladimir Kuklin (vkuklin) wrote :

looks like broken ISO build with wrong packages in repo

Revision history for this message
Vladimir Kuklin (vkuklin) wrote :

there are no such issues with the latest ISO. marking as incomplete until there is a reproducer.

Changed in fuel:
status: New → Incomplete
Changed in fuel:
milestone: 5.0.1 → 5.0.2
Revision history for this message
Dmitry Borodaenko (angdraug) wrote :

Didn't happen again for over a month, marking Invalid.

Changed in fuel:
status: Incomplete → Invalid
Revision history for this message
Anastasia Palkina (apalkina) wrote :

Reproduced on ISO #459 for master

"build_id": "2014-08-20_02-01-17",
"ostf_sha": "c6ecd0137b5d7c1576fa65baef0fc70f9a150daa",
"build_number": "459",
"auth_required": true,
"api": "1.0",
"nailgun_sha": "36d27ff737b361f92093986d061bbfc1670bee45",
"production": "docker",
"fuelmain_sha": "365fc0bfe9d5e4ce38101d9158f66347bf32c310",
"astute_sha": "efe3cb3668b9079e68fb1534fd4649ac45a344e1",
"feature_groups": ["mirantis", "experimental"],
"release": "5.1",
"fuellib_sha": "fa23adb05c58fdad5011a3ad806467eb3d883217"

1. Create new environment (Ubuntu, simple mode)
2. Choose GRE segmentation
3. Change password for zabbix on "Settings" tab
4. Add controller, compute and zabbix
5. Start deployment. It has failed
6. There is error on controller (node-5):

2014-08-20 10:37:30 ERR

 Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes install iptables-persistent' returned 100: Reading package lists...

Also there are errors on zabbix node: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1359171

Revision history for this message
Anastasia Palkina (apalkina) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Tomasz 'Zen' Napierala (tzn) wrote :
Dmitry Pyzhov (dpyzhov)
no longer affects: fuel/5.1.x
Revision history for this message
Stanislaw Bogatkin (sbogatkin) wrote :

Cannot reproduce that after 8 tries.

Changed in fuel:
status: Confirmed → Invalid
Revision history for this message
Andrew Woodward (xarses) wrote :

no confirmation for 5.0.2, moving invalid

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