I also have this bug with etckeeper (automatic versioning of your /etc files) calling bzr.
Now when using "apt-get install ..." --> which calls "etckeeper post-install" --> which calls bzr, I get:
bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ShortReadvError: readv() read 0 bytes rather than 175 bytes at 0 for "6f3bd77ce343745312c8d43b11738469.rix"
I also have this bug with etckeeper (automatic versioning of your /etc files) calling bzr. errors. ShortReadvError : readv() read 0 bytes rather than 175 bytes at 0 for "6f3bd77ce34374 5312c8d43b11738 469.rix"
Now when using "apt-get install ..." --> which calls "etckeeper post-install" --> which calls bzr, I get:
bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.