From: Nathan Teodosio Link: ubiquity-soup.diff
From: Bernd Edlinger Link: bug-fix for >4G memory
From: Gunnar Hjalmarsson Link: sane-backends_lp1835220-bionic.debdiff
From: David Burrows Link: fixed pdc large array support patch
From: Fuujuhi Link: Alternate patch - Always set 'dmode=0500' for UDF fs
From: Alkis Georgopoulos Link: Updated debian/patches/41_classic_layout.patch
From: Ryan Koesters Link: Add option in appearance panel to enable or disable always showing global menu bar
From: Jeremy Bícha Link: lp1195367.debdiff
From: Q Link: change "server_minor >= 8" to "server_minor == 8" at line 241
From: Uwe Koziolek Link: Diff file for avidemux 2.6.3, ubuntu 13.04
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: Patch for improving FSLint launcher (fslint.desktop) Name and Comment (add more keywords)
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: Correct patch against 4.8.8 which fixes identical files deletion when folders/files names contains spaces
From: Margarita Manterola Link: Patch applied for precise proposed
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: Patch, which adds "application/" to MimeType field of data/
From: Benjamin Drung Link: wxwidgets2.8_2.8.12.1-11ubuntu3.1.debdiff
From: Ritesh Khadgaray Link: proposed patch based of upstream code
From: Mohamed Alaa Link: gtk-nodoka-engine_0.7.5-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
From: Greemod Link: black_screen.patch
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: patch for Gnome Tweak Tool to move buttons to the Left or the Right side of windows
From: Carey Underwood Link: Reset game before starting and bail out draw_preview if things are not ready
From: Tim Gardner Link: 0001-b43-only-reload-config-after-successful-initializati.patch
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: patch which adds Hibernate and Suspend actions, use dbus org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit + other improvements to Gpoweroff
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: patch which adds Hibernate and Suspend actions, use dbus org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit + other improvements
From: Piers Titus van der Torren Link: scrollsliders_direction.diff
From: malcolmlewis Link: weather-wallpaper-update-for-gnome3.patch
From: Paul Broadhead Link: patch
From: Ayan George Link: 0001-Added-fr_window_overwrite_files_dialog-which-checks-.patch
From: Märt Põder Link: Help Oneiric to find the right proccess to stop
From: Gall Link: Fix paths for new libraries
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: patch, adding additional countries (Lithuania, Latvia, etc) for gnome-dvb-daemon 0.1.2x and 0.2
From: komputes Link: libreoffice_cant_email.png
From: David Henningsson Link: Preliminary patch for alsa-plugins, v2
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: Patch for Phoronix Test Suite menu file (/usr/share/applications/phoronix-test-suite.desktop ) to run interactive session (Exec=phoronix-test-suite interactive)
From: Paolo Sammicheli Link: clipit_1.4.1-1ubuntu1.debdiff
From: Gabor Kelemen Link: Fix the header
From: Angel Abad Link: ubuntu.old > ubuntu debdiff
From: Martin Pitt Link: fixed patch/debdiff
From: AtesComp Link: Xephyr Addition for Maverick
From: Akshat Jain Link: Changes the current description with the proposed one
From: Antonio Barbuzzi Link: ul50vg-flipped.patch
From: AJenbo Link: Make casper exit message translatable (plymouth)
From: Alex Valavanis Link: inkscape_0.48.0-1ubuntu1.debdiff
From: Lawrence Rust Link: Patch to parse attributes from POSIX ls -l compatible LIST output
From: Mantas Kriaučiūnas Link: Patch for adding Lithuania to autoscan list
From: Nanley Chery Link: Debdiff to merge with debian testing
From: Jeroen de Vries Link: meld_1.3.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
From: Oliver Joos Link: Patch to add support for video/mp2t (MPEG-2 transport streams)
From: Gabor Kelemen Link: Similar patch for TB
From: yakuizhao Link: try the debug patch that don't save/restore FBC control register in course of suspend/resume
From: Hicham HAOUARI Link: patch to add 16:10 aspect ratio to totem