Thanks for your report. Your idea might get more attention and have the possibility of being implemented if you submit a specification for it. First check whether the idea is already registered ([WWW], and if so, contact the specification's drafter about your ideas. Otherwise, you can start writing a spec yourself. [WWW]
You will get more response from devs here than as a bug hope it helps.
Thanks for your report. Your idea might get more attention and have the possibility of being implemented if you submit a specification for it. First check whether the idea is already registered ([WWW] https:/ /launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +specs), and if so, contact the specification's drafter about your ideas. Otherwise, you can start writing a spec yourself. [WWW] https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/FeatureSpec ifications
You will get more response from devs here than as a bug hope it helps.