Yes, this is known. Thing is, that's an optimisation of the QQmlEngine itself. By the time autopilot-qt introspects the Object tree this has already happened. So not really sure if there is anything I can do. I guess the only solution would be to disable that optimisation feature in the QQmlEngine. Not sure if its worth the efforts tho. If you have and ideas how deal with this, it would be more then welcome.
Yes, this is known. Thing is, that's an optimisation of the QQmlEngine itself. By the time autopilot-qt introspects the Object tree this has already happened. So not really sure if there is anything I can do. I guess the only solution would be to disable that optimisation feature in the QQmlEngine. Not sure if its worth the efforts tho. If you have and ideas how deal with this, it would be more then welcome.