Activity log for bug #1647391

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2016-12-05 15:08:31 Daniel Kochmański bug added bug
2016-12-05 15:15:20 Daniel Kochmański description It may be also broken for other linking implementations (mkcl, clasp). In ECL static library can't be build from other static libraries (because `ar' can work properly only on object files) and as far as I can see it has never planned to do that. This effectively breaks also FASL bundles under certain conditions (monolithic-compile-bundle-op?). For steps to reproduce see: Since next release instead of allowing such combination[1] into C::BUILDER (which leads to broken binary) ECL will signal an error. Proper solution is to use object files which were used to build static library used as input right now. Recently I've added documentation[2] for proper transition of input files into their build output. [1] Static library being input file for :static-library target. [2] It may be also broken for other linking implementations (mkcl, clasp). In ECL static library can't be build from other static libraries (because `ar' can work properly only on object files) and as far as I can see ECL has never planned to do that. This effectively breaks also FASL bundles under certain conditions (monolithic-compile-bundle-op?). For steps to reproduce see: Since next release instead of allowing such combination[1] into C::BUILDER (which leads to broken binary) ECL will signal an error. Proper solution is to use object files which were used to build static library used as input right now. Recently I've added documentation[2] for proper transition of input files into their build output. [1] Static library being input file for :static-library target. [2]
2016-12-05 15:18:51 Daniel Kochmański asdf: status New Fix Committed
2016-12-05 15:36:12 Daniel Kochmański asdf: status Fix Committed In Progress
2016-12-18 01:59:51 Faré asdf: importance Undecided Medium
2016-12-18 01:59:51 Faré asdf: status In Progress Fix Committed
2016-12-18 01:59:51 Faré asdf: milestone 3.2
2016-12-18 01:59:51 Faré asdf: assignee Faré (fahree)
2017-01-13 15:12:39 Faré asdf: status Fix Committed Fix Released