Mir not installed

Bug #1717691 reported by delijati
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Mir Display Manager should not be a requirement as it is deprecated?

% lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 17.04
Release: 17.04
Codename: zesty

% aethercast-integration-tests :(
Running main() from gmock_main.cc
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from StreamPerformance
[ RUN ] StreamPerformance.EndToEndIsAcceptable
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [mediamanagerfactory.cpp:65@CreateSource] Creating source media manager of type mir
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [basesourcemediamanager.cpp:94@InitOptimalVideoFormat] Sink native resolution:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:244@DumpNativeFormat] resolution type: CEA
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:247@DumpNativeFormat] resolution: 1280x720p30
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [basesourcemediamanager.cpp:97@InitOptimalVideoFormat] Sink supports the following codecs:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:211@DumpVideoCodec] profile: cbp
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:212@DumpVideoCodec] level: 3.2
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:214@DumpVideoCodec] CEA resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:217@DumpVideoCodec] 1280x720p30
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:219@DumpVideoCodec] VESA resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:224@DumpVideoCodec] HH resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:211@DumpVideoCodec] profile: chp
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:212@DumpVideoCodec] level: 3.2
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:214@DumpVideoCodec] CEA resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:217@DumpVideoCodec] 1280x720p30
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:219@DumpVideoCodec] VESA resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:224@DumpVideoCodec] HH resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [basesourcemediamanager.cpp:83@GetH264VideoCodecs] Video codecs supported by us:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:211@DumpVideoCodec] profile: cbp
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:212@DumpVideoCodec] level: 3.1
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:214@DumpVideoCodec] CEA resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:217@DumpVideoCodec] 1280x720p30
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:217@DumpVideoCodec] 1280x720p25
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:217@DumpVideoCodec] 1280x720p24
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:219@DumpVideoCodec] VESA resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:224@DumpVideoCodec] HH resolutions:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [basesourcemediamanager.cpp:118@InitOptimalVideoFormat] Found optimal video format:
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:231@DumpVideoFormat] profile: cbp
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:232@DumpVideoFormat] level: 3.1
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:233@DumpVideoFormat] resolution type: CEA
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [videoformat.cpp:236@DumpVideoFormat] resolution: 1280x720p30
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [sourcemediamanager.cpp:73@Configure] dimensions: 1280x720@30
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [screencast.cpp:57@Setup] Setting up screencast [extend 1280x720]
[EE 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [screencast.cpp:62@Setup] Failed to connect to Mir server: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory
[EE 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [sourcemediamanager.cpp:78@Configure] Failed to setup buffer producer
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [sourcemediamanager.cpp:151@Play]
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:37] [unitydisplaylock.cpp:79@operator()] Successfully locked display (cookie 2)
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:48] [sourcemediamanager.cpp:190@Teardown]
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:48] [screencast.cpp:38@~Screencast]
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:48] [test_stream_performance.cpp:198@TestBody] current sample size 0 mean -nan var 0.000000 std dev 0.000000
[DD 2017-09-16 13:43:48] [test_stream_performance.cpp:201@TestBody] reference sample size 2012 mean 0.017299 var 0.000004 std dev 0.001952
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "Error in function boost::math::pdf(const students_t_distribution<double>&, double): Random variate x is -nan, but must be finite!" thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] StreamPerformance.EndToEndIsAcceptable (10834 ms)
[----------] 1 test from StreamPerformance (10834 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (10834 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 0 tests.
[ FAILED ] 1 test, listed below:
[ FAILED ] StreamPerformance.EndToEndIsAcceptable


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