account-console crash

Bug #1309433 reported by Jean-Max Reymond
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Online Accounts: Account plugins
Fix Released
Alberto Mardegan
Fix Released
Alberto Mardegan
account-plugins (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Alberto Mardegan

Bug Description

jmax@jmax-CKR2 ~% account-console show 1

(process:4718): accounts-glib-WARNING **: Unable to load account 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/account-console", line 36, in show_account
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Account "%s" not found' % args.account
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'builtin_function_or_method' and '_io.TextIOWrapper'

and I have to type Ctrl C

Related branches

description: updated
Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
Changed in account-plugins (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in account-plugins:
status: New → Confirmed
importance: Undecided → Low
Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
Changed in account-plugins:
assignee: nobody → Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
Changed in account-plugins (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
Changed in account-plugins:
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Changed in account-plugins (Ubuntu):
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
Changed in webapps-sprint:
status: New → In Progress
importance: Undecided → Low
assignee: nobody → Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
milestone: none → sprint-27
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package account-plugins - 0.13+17.04.20161110.1-0ubuntu1

account-plugins (0.13+17.04.20161110.1-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium

  [ Alberto Mardegan ]
  * debian/account-plugin-owncloud.install:
    - remove owncloud icon, it's now provided by the theme
  * debian/control,debian/account-plugin-nextcloud.install:
    - add Nextcloud account plugin
  * Add account plugin for Nextcloud (LP: #1639175)
  * Fix error handling in account-console (LP: #1309433)

  [ Gary.Wzl ]
  * support to display user id(phone number) for mcloud.
  * Add onedrive account plugin. (LP: #1632585)

  [ Numan Demirdöğen ]
  * account-console: Specify module version with GI imports to avoid
    warnings. (fix #1633760) (LP: #1633760)

 -- Alberto Mardegan <email address hidden> Thu, 10 Nov 2016 13:55:57 +0000

Changed in account-plugins (Ubuntu):
status: In Progress → Fix Released
Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
Changed in webapps-sprint:
status: In Progress → Fix Released
Changed in account-plugins:
status: In Progress → Fix Released
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